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Welcome - Tá fáilte romhat

To Elaine Nolan Writes ...

Who am I......?

​I am Elaine Nolan, an Irish Independent Multi-Dimensional Creative, offering you a unique and immersive reading experience.


My Promise to You:
I blend captivating novels with meticulously composed soundtracks, crafting a sensory adventure like no other. Escape the daily grind and embark on an action-packed, page-turning, rule-bending journey—all from the comfort of your armchair.

Books and music have always been portals to new and wondrous worlds, and I invite you to step through my carefully created doorway into these other dimensions.


About Me:
I am a creator of worlds, a weaver of words and sounds. I am both a journey maker and a journey taker, guiding you through the realms of imagination. As your tour operator to the world of creativity, I believe it's the only reality worth pursuing.


What's Happening in 2024?

September 2022 I made the mental decision to return to college part time and studying an Honours Law degree?

After my 1st year, have I regretted my decision?

Only when assignments where due.... but it has impacted the creative side.... Now, that's not to say there isn't music to be released....

This has given me the opportunity to follow on from the 10th Anniversary Debut concert remixes and revisit some compositions also from that time that never made it to airtime or official release....

I think you'll like the end results

And another book?

Rest assured.... working on it....


Upcoming Releases 2024

 2nd February

"Crossing Lives Original Soundtrack" - re-release

16th February

"Intermezzo" - re-release and remastered

1st March

"To Sleep Beneath the Stars" - re-release

Where would you like to go today?


Check out my novels: Sci Fi, Celtic Mythology and Irish Thrillers in the Book section.


A unique blend of contemporary classical, Celtic and techno. See the Music section for details.

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