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released on

29th March, 2018

Watch the Première on YouTube

00:00 / 03:54
00:00 / 06:05

Emergence Review

Review by Mike O’Cull, independent music journalist.

Musician, composer, author, and all-around overachiever Elaine Nolan just might be Ireland’s best kept secret. She is a skilled pianist and cellist, a compelling modern composer, and an award-winning writer of fiction that tends to lean towards the dark side. She creates freely, without fear, and often mixes her classical leanings with electronic elements that give her work a lot of crossover and soundtrack potential. Her latest musical effort is called Emergence and the record is an instrumental chronicle of the redemption of shattered dreams and, although somber on the surface, serves as reminder that those pieces can be fitted back together once healing has occurred.

Nolan’s piano holds center stage for much of Emergence but does so without ever crossing the line into concertizing. She plays with great restraint and melodic respect and seems to make every creative choice on the basis of the overall atmosphere it creates. The opening track, “It All Began With…,” uses dissonant seconds to imply the sense of disillusionment that drives this set to great effect. She doesn’t need to play a lot of notes because she plays just what she needs to create a reaction in her listeners. The emotional bottom here is “The Dark Night” and is carried by her sensual solo cello playing and tone, which both strike directly to the human heart. The despair in this moment is undeniable and the track communicates the feeling of having nothing left to give very well.

The back half of the record builds upwards from there and discoveries of strength, resilience, and true self are made along the way. Our protagonist emerges from the dark into a state of personal power that had been within all the time and is able to pursue what needs to be pursued in spite of the struggles encountered. The final track is “Let The Dream Awaken” and brings her journey to a melodic and consonant end that seems to be a much more positive state than where it started. Nolan’s deeply understated genius makes Emergence a minimalistic gem that will appeal to fans who prefer feel and vibe to sheer firepower. Highly recommended.

Notes and Track info

This is a story, not that different from many others, where a dream was dashed on the rocks of other's insecurities. But, over time, those broken shards were collected up, some rescued from deep and treacherous waters. And slowly, painstakingly so at times, they were pieced back together again.

And the dream was awakened once more...

Tracks & Notes

1. It All Began With…

Every story has a start, a moment where dreams and hopes are dashed and disillusionment sets in.

2. Losing Faith

Faced with seemingly overwhelming, sometimes relentless opposition, naysayers, growing doubts, faith wears away, erodes over time.

3. Follow a Glimmer

In struggling to find an identity, a purpose, each shiny new object offers the promise of a better life, of an end to the struggle, but too often the promises are hollow and empty

4. Reality is an Illusion (and so are all the players)

Nothing is what it seems. Everything is rarely what if appears to be, or what you think it is. Everyone has their own agenda, living in their own version of reality

5. The Dark Night

The struggle often gets too difficult, becomes overwhelming, and fearful demons are let out to play.

6. Not all Battles are Fought with Swords

Sometimes the greatest battles are within, in our own minds, in overcoming the inner fears and demons, or at the very least, keeping them at bay.

7. The Warrior Within

We are all strong. It’s finding that within. In surrendering to what is, we can embrace that quiet warrior, discover our strength, our own bravery, and learn to stand tall again.

8. Emergence

Like a butterfly, emerging in to the new world, we struggle to push against the restraints of our old selves, of other’s expectations. Once we embrace it, step into our own power, that was there all along if only we’d seen it all along, and a whole new world awaits.

9 Let the Dream Awaken

And so we begin. Yes, there will be struggles. Yes there will be setbacks, but we are resilient, we are strong. We are brave and we allow our dreams to take flight. Finally…

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Elno Productions - 40 From Now Publications - Sound Mind and Body

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